
Cookie Policy

As PARKSTICKETS.COM, we would like to point out that your personal data you provide when you become a member of our site is processed, preserved and transferred for legitimate and specified purposes in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”). We would like to inform our entrepreneurs about our purpose and methods of collecting, processing and transferring personal data and, accordingly, your rights arising from the Law. PARKSTICKETS.COM reserves the right to update the text of this Statement on the Protection of Personal Data at any time within the framework of changes that can be made in the current legislation.

The website belonging to PARKSTICKETS.COM is a site that uses cookies. cookie; It is a file consisting mostly of letters and numbers, which allows the device to be detected by being stored in the internet browser or hard disk of the device being used. cookies; log files, empty gif files, and/or store information it collects through third-party sources to create a summary of your preferences.

We use two types of cookies throughout our sites, session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookies and are only valid until you close your browser. Persistent cookies stay on your hard drive until you delete them or they expire (how long the cookies stay on your device will depend on the 'lifetime' of the cookies). website cookies also; may use 'advertising technology' in order to present you with advertisements that it thinks may be of interest to you when you visit the search engines, website, mobile application and/or websites where the website advertises. Advertising technology uses information about your previous visits to the website/mobile application and the websites/mobile applications where the website advertises, in order to present you with tailored advertisements. When serving these ads, a unique third-party cookie may be placed in your browser so that the website can recognize you. PARKSTICKETS.COM is also referred to as “Google, Inc.” It uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how users use the website, mobile application and/or mobile site with statistical information/reports. For more information about the use of Google Analytics (including opt-out options), visit:

You can use the possibility of allowing and rejecting cookies using the following methods:
Google Chrome You can allow or block cookies from the 'Cookies' tab by clicking the 'lock mark' in the address section of your browser.
Internet Explorer You can manage cookies in the form of 'allow' or 'do not allow' by clicking the security tab in the 'Tools' section at the top right of your browser.
Mozilla Firefox Click the 'open menu' tab in the upper right corner of your browser. You can manage cookies by clicking the 'Options' image and using the 'Privacy and Security' button.
Opera You can manage cookies from the 'Cookies' section by selecting 'Advanced' in the 'Preferences' section of your browser.
Safari You can manage all your cookies from the 'Privacy and Security' section by selecting the 'safari' tab from the 'Settings' section of your phone.